Terminology Management

Terminology Management
Dictionaries, glossaries, and terminology databases contain terms, synonyms, and acronyms used in translations, as well as additional information, such as definitions, parts of speech, gender, context, etc.
During the translation and localization process, proper terminology management:
- improves consistency
- facilitates text comprehensibility through the use of approved terms
- facilitates the work of all project participants using the server version to create multilingual content
- reduces translation costs and improves consistency by defining terminology at the documentation creation stage
- eliminates errors and discrepancies when creating new terminology
As part of the translation and localization process, LocStar provides comprehensive terminology management service that includes:
- developing dictionaries for translated materials
- extracting terminology from already translated materials
- providing all participants in the translation process with up-to-date terminology
- verification of the proper use of terminology in translated materials
LocStar uses the terminology database systems of many software companies, including SDL MultiTerm and memoQ, as well as its own, proprietary online terminology solution: LocTerms.