Translation Tools

Translation Tools
At LocStar, you will find practically every CAT tool on the market being used on all kind of projects. When selecting tools for individual projects, we adjust to meet clients’ expectations, or propose the best solutions for the given source content.
The tools and systems we use enable the conversion of file formats, translation memories, dictionaries, and glossaries, allowing us to apply the most appropriate processes for a given client and their products.
Examples of software we use:
- SDL Trados Studio (TM Server)
- Memoq (Server)
- Trados 2007
- TagEditor
- Passolo
- IBM Translation Manager
- IBM OpenTM
- Alchemy Catalyst
- Oracle HyperHub
- Idiom Worldserver
- XTM Cloud
- Smartling
- Microsoft LocStudio
- Memsource
- Microsoft Leaf
- Google Translation Toolkit
- Tstream Editor
- Xbench
- OverTheRainbow
- LocStar LocX
- LocStar LocTM
- LocStar LocTerms